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Chimborazo Park Minis

Chimborazo Park - Richmond, Virginia

When I used to travel with my family, we were never into the big bus tours or the large tour group crowds. We were much more likely to find the hidden gems of wherever we were. This is probably why I’m so drawn to the quiet Chimborazo Park in Richmond. It’s usually less crowded than Libby Hill but just as pretty and has a great sunset view. There is a charming tree-lined path that leads to an overlook of the city. There are plenty of benches and open spaces to relax on. There is even a mini Statue of Liberty replica.

Although some of my sessions here had to deal with some ominous weather, the families were no less amazing. Every family came on time, which was so helpful for me, and their outfits were amazing. There were lots of wiggles and giggles from the kids, which made every session so much FUN!

As summer comes to a close, I’m looking forward to some picnics out at Chimborazo before the weather gets too cold. I can’t wait for you to see some of my favorite moments from the Chimborazo Park family sessions!

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