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St. Christopher's School Prom Session

Ian and Dori

Midlothian, VA

This year is flying by and I can’t believe it’s already prom season! Ian and Dori not only looked stunning for their junior prom, but they are also such kind, good-hearted teens. I actually met the two of them a few years ago when I babysat Ian and his younger siblings. I had overheard his parents talking about a girl he was interested in, but I didn’t want to pry because I had only just started babysitting for them. As I got to know Ian more during our drives to and from the soccer fields, I also got to know a little bit about this girl he liked. Now, being that I only saw Ian a couple times a week for about an hour in the car with him, he didn’t share too much about Dori, aside from the typical “she’s cute, smart, kind, and good at soccer” comments. But once, he had talked about how excited he was to take her on a date at Mabel’s, a local restaurant known for over-the-top milkshakes, and share a milkshake with her. It was so sweet! Before I knew it, Ian and Dori were an official couple!

The first time I met Dori, I was on my way to Ian’s house to babysit. Ian’s mom had asked that I pick her up from the Target parking lot where her mom would drop her off, and bring her back to the house to hangout before one of Ian’s soccer games. She probably doesn’t remember much from that drive, but I remember thinking that she was indeed cute, smart, and kind!

When Ian’s mom contacted me to do a prom photo session, I was so excited to hear that the two of them are still together! Ian had a broken toe and was in a lot of pain just walking during this session, but he was a trooper did an amazing job. Dori made posing look effortless and was a natural in front of the camera. The two of them are so beautiful together, both on and off camera!

Ian and Dori, I hope you two had a fun night at prom together! I’m so happy I got to capture this memory for you both. Here are just a few of my favorite photos from your session!

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