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UF Grad Rylie Spicker

Rylie and Friends

Gainesville, Florida

Rylie is a senior at the University of Florida who is involved in many campus activities, the biggest one of them being a member of Tri Delta sorority. While she is sad to leave her best friends and her college life behind, she is excited about moving on to the next chapter of her life. She has plans to stay close to home for time being, but will likely move out to California in the near future.

I had the pleasure of photographing Rylie and her sorority family, and it was clear to me how close they are. Their relationship reminded me of my own college roommates, and I know these girls will share a bond that will unite them for a long time. Rylie is especially close with Kearsten, who is her little. They have a special relationship that is unique to sorority life. Kearsten looks up to Rylie as a mentor and friend, and it's clear that Rylie cares deeply for Kearsten.

Rylie, congratulations on your graduation! This is such a great accomplishment and I’m so honored to have been a very small part of your post-grad journey and to have captured this milestone for you. You are going to do amazing things in life and I wish you the best of luck with everything!

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